The BUILD Cohort

BUILD 1.0 launched on September 19th. To join the waitlist for the next session (timing TBD) complete the interest form below.

The BUILD Cohort brings together entrepreneurs, small business owners, and service-providers. In short, the dreamers and the doers. It’s for those who are starting their own business from scratch or building something bigger. It’s for those who are ready to unlock the full potential of their businesses and themselves.

This virtual cohort experience is comprised of two core elements, that are essential to the success of any founder/owner as they build a business.

Coaching & Community


group coaching SESSIONS

Each participant will receive one 45-minute individual 1:1 Coaching Session before the Cohort Experience begins, and a second anytime during the experience. On this call, we will dive right in, so I can get to know you and your business well before the cohort begins.

Session 1: The Groundwork

We can only go far if we go deep. In this first session we will create the container for our work together. You’ll get to know one another, reflect on where you are in your journey, and prepare for the rest of the experience.

Session 2: Goal-Setting

This session will focus on setting clear goals for what you want to gain over the course of the experience. YOU know your business and your goals best, and I’ll work with you to keep them clear and achievable within the time we have. You might want to develop a pipeline strategy for new clients, set your pricing structures, build confidence, create systems to help you do your work more efficiently, hone in on your social media strategy, or something else - I’m here to support you on the most important business goal you have.

Sessions 3-4: Group Coaching Sessions

Each participant will receive one 1:1 coaching within a group setting. Meaning - your peers will be listening in, as we work through a business challenge you’re facing. And, you’ll be listening in on the coaching conversations with each of your peers. We learn as much - if not more - by listening to the challenges that others are facing, so you’ll walk away with new learnings - and inspiration - from every single session.

Session 5: Closing + What’s Next

The way we close experiences matters. We’ll have space to reflect on the learnings, think about your next steps, and identify accountability structures you want to use as you move forward. And, I fully expect that you’ll be connecting more deeply with each of your peers.

You may choose to add-on additional 1:1 coaching sessions at this point (more on that below) and you might even be signing up to join the next cohort!

COMMUNITY & Expectations

Every entrepreneur deserves to have a strong community of trusted peers who are walking the journey with them. Leadership can be a lonely place. Joining a group of trusted peers is not only helpful - it’s essential.

Here are the core group expectations of this community - how I’ll be asking each person to show up with, and for, each other.

Show Up: This means joining sessions - on time - and being as present as you can. Every person in the cohort is managing a life filled with many things. This is dedicated time and space for YOU to invest in yourself and your business. Be here.

Abundance Mindset: We believe in abundance over scarcity. Don't worry if there is someone in the group doing something similar to what you’re doing. There is space for all of it, and the lessons that come from connection is everything.

Peer Support: Each person will be at a different stage of their journey, thinking though their business in their own unique way. We will support each person for who they are, what they’re doing, and what they need.

Trust the Process: We are going deep. This isn’t your surface level business coaching experience. Each person will need to show up fully and authentically, with vulnerability and openness. You’ll be held through that, but we will talk about the real stuff that happens when you’re building a business. We’ll work through the hard and celebrate the wins.


Timing: The next cohort will take place in 2024. Complete the interest form to be alerted about upcoming dates.

Participant Requirements: The cohort is open to anyone who is a Founder/Owner/CEO/Executive Director in New England. To apply, complete the short application form - we’ll then schedule a 1:1 time to talk and ensure it’s a good fit. You must be able to commit to joining all sessions.

Investment: The cost for BUILD 2.0 will shared once dates are confirmed.



Frequently Asked Questions

What does the enrollment process look like?

The first step is to complete the application form. From there, you will schedule a 30-minute exploratory call with Kate. On that call, we’ll talk about your goals, what you’re hoping to learn/gain from the experience, and more about what to expect from the experience. The curation of each group is incredibly important - we want to be sure that the folks in each group are in a similar place in their journey and will be a great experience for all. This may mean there will be multiple cohorts happening at the same time - so you can expect to be with a great group that you’ll LOVE.

When is the next cohort starting?

BUILD 1.0 launched on September 19, 2023. The dates for the next cohort will be released in late 2023 or early 2024.

Who will be in my cohort?

I’ve been building experiential learning and coaching programs for 15+ years, and making sure the right people in the room is incredibly important. We’ll work together to ensure it’s a good fit, and if now is not the right time - there will be opportunities to join another cohort later or work with me in a different way.

Are payment plans available?

Yes! There will is a required deposit of 50% due to secure your spot. You can choose to pay in full at that time; otherwise, the second payment is due at least 1 week before the first session.

Do I get coached during every session?

Sessions 1, 2 and 5 create the container for the experience. You’ll receive valuable tools and resources, quickly build strong connections, and create an individualized plan. Sessions 3-4 will be focused on group coaching. Each coaching session will include a 25-40 minute facilitated coaching session for each participant (2 per coaching session). You’ll have space to share, to hear curious questions and reflections, to set actions, and to set up accountability structures within the community. We learn just as much - if not more - by listening, so while you won’t receive direct coaching in every session, you will walk away with more wisdom, ideas, and resources during every conversation.

Can I add additional 1:1 coaching during the experience?

Absolutely! For the BUILD Cohort, you can add on four 1:1 coaching sessions for a total of $500. And of course, if you want to continue working together after that, we can extend for as long as you need at a rate of $125 per session (this is discounted from my normal business coaching rate).

I’m interested, but not sure. How do I learn more?

Complete the form and let’s talk! Once you complete the application, we’ll spend 30 minutes talking more. After that conversation, you’ll know for sure whether this is the right program for you.